Sunday, October 9, 2011

What Is An Auto-Responder and Why Use One?

 What Is An Auto-Responder and Why Use One?
          What Is An Auto-Responder and Why Use One?

By Freddie Worrall

What is an Auto-responder?
An auto-responder is an automatic emailing service. Basically you can set up a list of emails that will be sent out to a list of subscribers. These emails can be sent in any order you like, you can pick specific days, dates, times etc. And you can stack up as many emails as you like, so you could have two years worth of emails ready to go out to your list, one email a month as a tips and tricks newsletter or something. With most auto-responder services you can very easily design a very nice looking sign up box for your email list, there is walk-through videos the lot, it really is a piece of cake!
Why use an Auto-responder?
Auto-responders are a great way to keep in contact with your customers, the perfect tool for any Internet Marketer. If you are serious about Internet Marketing then you definitely need an auto-responder to keep in touch with your customers and keep them up to date with what's going on in your business such as offers, events and new information or products. Email marketing is such an effective way to build relationships with your customers and all of these people will be on what's known as a double opt-in list, this means that the people on your list will have confirmed twice that they would like to be on your list. So you are not going to annoy people with the messages that you are sending out to them because they want to receive the emails that you are sending; of course if you took it to extremes and sent them ten emails a day trying to sell them something then they are likely to unsubscribe.
You will have heard the saying 'the money is in the list' before and it is so true. If you can build a list of good subscribers that want to receive your emails and that enjoy what you send them then an email marketing list can become one of the most powerful tools that you can get for your marketing efforts. It will really accelerate your earnings, provided you can get people onto your list in the first place.
So how do I get people onto my list I hear you ask. Well, list building is a pretty big topic in itself. But basically the most surefire way to get people onto your marketing list is to make it desirable, what reasons do they have to be on your list, what are you going to do for them?
So maybe put together a give away to encourage people to join your list, you will have noticed that when you first came to our site you were greeted with a email sign-up box that offers you a free e-book. Now this is actually a good e-book and no, i'm not just saying that because it's on my site, I only give my customers products that I believe in because I don't see the point in giving out crappy information; whats the point in that? It will just deffer customers and basically just waste my time, which is obviously just pointless, I may as well have just done nothing if I were going to do that. Get the jist? If your going to offer something to your visitors, make sure it is something worthwhile, I mean think about it from their point of view, if you told them it was an amazing in depth report on SEO and they received a one page word document that told them a load of basic information that they already new, then they will be off that list pretty swiftly, so a waste of time.
So in conclusion just offer people something decent, a good reason to join your list and remember that what they receive is what they are going to judge you and your business on so please make sure it's something good, I don't want you wasting your time effort and money.
Give email marketing a try and see what it can do for your business.

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