Do Your Email Marketing Auto-Responders Really Work?

  Do Your Email Marketing Auto-Responders Really Work?

By Arthur Edwards

Hello My Friends,
The answer is YES and YES!! Today I want to talk to you about an E-mail marketing/auto-responder system that really works and is all that and a bag of chips. It is called Traffic Wave. I have been using Traffic Wave to market a couple campaigns over the last 7days. They are listed below (read on). Most of the campaigns I have not finished yet because it takes a little time to write excellent email letters and GREAT subject line and I consider myself a half good writer with grammar that is; however, Matrix Busters and Art's Gifts 3 Day Sales Report is in full swing! You can get involved by opening the link next to the name below which will take you to the capture page-here I get your name and email. You also see the many different campaigns that I will be building with my new buddy Traffic Wave Auto-Responder with FREE leads from Orange (How can you go wrong friends?) I can easily start a campaign with as many letters in the auto-responder that I want (each campaign I feel should be between 7-10 letters per campaign going out every 2 or 3 days and then getting further apart like 0,2,4,6,9,11,15,19,25 mixing it up but it depends on what it is you wish to market in the campaign. I really can see the difference in my Traffic now that I'm using this excellent auto-responder by Traffic Wave. Mind you, I do market a little on Twitter and Facebook which is a touchy situation and whole different subject matter. There are entire webinars and videos on YouTube about that subject. Mainly, I stick to my email list.
I also advertise on my chosen websites that generate traffic for me, all FREE of course! The only site I really love to pay for is Orange The owner Tim is GREAT if I must say so, he has insight and vision out of this world! Truly one man I admire and respect for giving others a chance to really succeed online! People still are paying MAD MONEY for leads and Tim gives them to you FREE; absolutely AMAZING!!!!!
Anyway, the Traffic Wave System tracks my hits and gives me the name and email of those who opt-in with an URL Tracker system so I know where my leads are coming from. Please remember that when you are on the trial period you can not import leads into the auto-responder but no need to fear, because when someone goes to the tracking URL in your advertising campaign you will get a email letting you know that Name and Email has visited your site and/or signed up! I want to mention also that Orange Leads has a tracker with built in the service of shortening any link or website affiliate or not! So I can double track to confirm where my hits are coming from.
One of the cool features of Traffic Wave not to mention the free support and training; is that you can also make some real income with Matrix Busters on many levels down, which is the way Traffic Wave promotes the business for you and fills your down line on auto-pilot with some what of a rotating placement. I'm not going to get into all that here. When you sign up, you can read all about how it works or you simply can call me!
I have tried two other auto-responder services in the past and I will not mention them. I found they were very difficult to get a handle on and very complex in design. Basically, I could not understand them. Traffic Wave to me is the BEST I have found. The others had NO Support or Training with emails. (Everyday I would receive an email on how to do such and such to build my auto-responder. I have become very comfortable with Traffic Wave in short time-frame. Here is a list of the business opportunities, affiliate links and Traffic Exchanges that I currently promote or will be promoting with my auto-responder service via Traffic Wave.

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